Friday, January 28, 2011

LETHAL WARRIORS by David Philipps

I had no idea. I had no idea how bad, no, not bad... horrific the situation is for our soldiers.

Yes, I have read books about war; fictional, historical, biographical and autobiographical. Yet,  Lethal Warriors by David Philipps  has created a gut wrenching depiction of the very real toll suffered by American soldiers. And it is happening right now.

This book is a page turner but, I had to read the book slowly needing several breaks as the story of the 506th Infantry Regiment brought me to tears and deep soul searching.

This book MUST be mandatory reading for all Americans. When we beat the drum to wage war, we truly have not taken into account the devastation that we create. War crimes are committed, and returning soldiers bring home the war effecting not just themselves, but their families and their community. The military trains young people to become killers and then provides nothing useful to return soldiers to life outside of the war zone. America is failing those sent out to defend it.

I am grateful that I received this copy as a Early Reviewer, and all I can say is this book better be on the #1 best selling slot for non-fiction. A life changing read.

5 out of 5 stars

Lethal Warriors for sale at You Are What You Read Book Store


Journalist: David Philipps